
How to Identify the 5 Common Causes of Septic Tank Backup

A backup in the septic tank occurs for many reasons.  The septic system is as important to meet the plumbing needs of the premises as much as it does for the municipal sewer system. Unfortunately, a septic system is the most neglected equipment in commercial places. Without regular maintenance efforts, it is hard to make the system run without hassles. Therefore, when building owners fail to take care of the septic tank, it results in frequent backups.

Backups in the septic system not just cause inconvenience but are one of the major causes of a potential health risk. What are the underlying issues causing a backup in the septic system?

Before going further, here are the potential causes of a septic system backup.

What are the 5 major causes of septic tank backups?

  1. Overfilled tank

Usually, anaerobic bacteria in the septic tank help in breaking down the solid waste particles inside. Therefore, this process of breakdown reduces the volume of solids inside the tank and creates sludge at the bottom. When the sludge deposition grows exponentially, fresh waste does not find adequate space, causing a backup. Overall, the higher the amount of sludge in the tank, the higher the risk of backup. Initially, the system may back up due to heavy usage in commercial premises, and later on, backups may be more frequent and may occur due to the slightest use. That is why you need septic tank emptying regularly.

Wondering how often should you empty the septic tank? Well, it will depend on various factors like the size of the tank and the number of people in the commercial premises using it. On average, you should empty it every two years. But if you are not aware of when it was emptied the last time, get in touch with a professional septic tank cleaning company to conduct a professional evaluation.

  • Growth of tree roots

The tree roots situated close to the drain lines may impose a major threat to the septic system. Eventually, the tree roots may enter the pipes and create a hole. The roots may capture solid waste and create clogs and they in turn may restrict the flow of wastewater. The result is obvious as sewage tends to flow back to the sinks and toilets. If you find slow drainage in different parts of the house, let the experts check the septic tank and determine the exact cause. If you are looking for septic tank emptying near me in Ireland, the first name to the surface would be They are one of the best-known companies to offer septic tank emptying and cleaning to make sure that the system runs without any hassles.

  • Chemical usage

You are familiar that anaerobic bacteria in the septic tank break down solid waste into sludge. But when high quantities of harsh chemicals are used, it kills the bacteria. When bacteria inside the system are killed, the breakdown of waste particles tends to slow down and exposes the system to a greater risk of backups. If you want to maintain the septic system of your commercial premises properly, look for septic tank cleaning services.

Experts warn against excessive usage of chemicals down the drains like disinfectants and bleaches. These harsh chemicals and drain cleaners do a lot of harm to the bacteria. Similarly, using water softeners may also harm the functioning of the septic tank as the salty deposition from such systems may also kill the bacteria when the water drains into the septic tank. Call the septic tank cleaners to find out the root cause of backups on your premises.

  • Flooding

If you live in a place where it rains more often, rainwater may not drain adequately. Moreover, if there is a lack of dry soil around the tank, waste, rainwater may become mixed and create a backup. So, do not feel surprised if you get a nasty smell on days when it rains hard and the drainage is typically slow. Get quotes from septic tank cleaning companies Kildare to know how to prevent damage to the septic tank when excessive rains result in flooding.

  • Compacted soil

Are you aware of how the septic tank handles solid and liquid waste? While the solid waste remains inside the system, the liquid waste flows out of it into the drain field where the underlying pipes distribute the waste into the soil. If the soil is highly compact, the liquid waste may refuse to move through the drainpipes. Using the drain field improperly such as for parking or as an outdoor structure may cause excessive compaction. It may take it harder for the bacteria to process the waste.

The best you can do to prevent backups in the septic tank is to have regular inspections and maintenance. Fort effective septic tank cleaning Ireland, you need to speak to experts for handling the septic tank problems while you can rest easy.

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